Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Capitalism Is Scary: Dress Up As Adam Smith For Halloween Instead of Michael Myers

We have come full circle. The debate as to what constitutes socialism is now at the forefront. The narrative is right where the Republican party wants it to be. Hopefully, it's not too late for this election.

I couldn't post a comment for Ruth Marcus' piece, "The 'Socialist' Scare" in the Washington Post. So I'm posting it here because I have serious questions as to whether Ms. Marcus and I were even at the same rally.


Ruth Marcus, what an irresponsible take and explanation of the Woodbridge rally. You should be ashamed of yourself. Of course, you probably are not because it's all for the "greater good" of getting your guy elected, isn't it?

Your ignorance comes through loud and clear when you say that the Obama for Change bumper stickers were all Soviet symbols. The C with the star was a take on the flag of the Nation of Islam. Anyone with half a brain and certainly someone who is publishing a piece in the WaPo should know this. They should also know that McCain supporters, including the McCain campaign itself got authorities and made him leave. Don't believe me? Watch This Clip. Several Muslim Republicans confronted the people and many people cheered and clapped when those people were forced to leave.

Second, the rally was calm. There were lots of young families there, including my own. You chose to highlight the handful of people among thousands yelling "socialism" without noting that many in the crowd were laughing when the remarks were made because the people shouting them looked silly--not shouting angrily in agreement as Ms. Marcus would have us believe.

What you willfully ignored was the positivity and optimism of Republicans. I met people of all ilks at that rally and people were as nice as can be. I saw moms in line at the port-a potties, reaching into their diaper bags and purses for wipes and tissues and napkins to give to strangers with other young children. I saw a man dancing with his daughter who was in a wheelchair. I saw a woman run up to another woman with a young child on her shoulders to fix the child's "plumber butt" [no pun intended]. Basically, I saw kindness. Kindness that the Democratic party thinks does not exist simply because we don't agree as to the extent that the government should be "evening the playing field". The purpose of OUR government is to maintain order and protect its citizens: NOT to provide a welfare state.

The Washington Post should be ashamed of itself for publishing this piece. I have toilet paper that has more factual support.

**Update: Further evidence that this woman is just another idiot blinded by Obama's hypnotizing smile. We Republicans are so freaking SELFISH aren't we?

***My original title was, "Capitalism Is Scary: Dress Up As Adam Smith or Jeremy Bentham For Halloween Instead of Michael Myers". I decided to edit it because my intent was not easily understood. I received an e-mail "correcting me" that Bentham is considered the Father of the Welfarism. I know this. My not-so-great title was intended to point to the difference highlighted in my comment: capitalism v. welfarism, which would explain my use of "or" in the title. The interns are busy watching Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf as a treat. They will be firmly reprimanded later.

****My earlier comment on the rally.

1 comment:

devildog247 said...

Holy crap Jim Treacher gave you kudos about this post! I love his sarcasm, LOL.